The List

CJ has created his final college list.  He has included three reaches, four 50-50s, and four likelies.  His school has discouraged the terms "match" and "safety", but if we could use them, the list would look like this: 1 super-reach; 1 reach; 2 matches; 3 50-50s; 2 likelies; 1 safety; 1 super-safety; 1 unlikely; 1 super-unlikely.

I cannot reveal his list to you; I would have to kill you.  But I can say that he ended up showing interest in only five of the twelve schools we visited way back in March when I began this blog.  He also added two random college at the last minute, colleges that we did not tour, colleges that he had never mentioned before. 

And he has violated the Southwest rule, one of the most important considerations in university selection: Southwest Airlines, the flexible, changeable, no-penalty transportation pal of the American college student, does not fly to all the schools on his list.

But we are getting on a Southwest flight this evening and heading to Oakland.  Seasoned college visitors CJ and NP are embarking on yet another school visit.


The List — 1 Comment

  1. my C-not-a-J-but-an-A got into neither of his reaches or his safety but all the ones in the middle. Not getting into the safety was a weird slap in the face even though he never wanted to go there. Also, as I think I told you, he got into NONE of the schools he actually visited!