CC Anonymous

Just because my son was lucky enough to have gained early acceptance to his dream school, it doesn't mean I have to stop being a neurotic parent.  There is always our younger son, BH, to worry about.  He did pick up a new award over the vacation (1st Place, Team Penning – cooperative cattle-rustling skills, not something you see on every college resume).  That award could serve to conteract the B+ he expects in English. 

But now it's my job to find something else to stress about…a nasty addiction perhaps?

Yes, it's true.  Much as I try, I cannot survive without a daily fix of the most annoying website on the web, College Confidential.  Now that CJ is on the other side of SATs, SAT IIs, and EC building, you would think I would stop caring about kids who spend their Saturday nights discussing whether their 2380, TASC selection and NMF status will qualify them for BME at MIT. 

But I just can't seem to stay away from the bizarre combination of parental smugness and juvenile low self esteem at

So in an attempt to justify my obsessive CC visits, for the next week I will publish links to CC's most entertaining threads.


As a joke, a student wrote on his common app that his primary extracurricular activity was "Clam Farting".  And, if you can believe him, he was still accepted to Yale.

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