Neurotic Ears are Buzzing

I have received a comment from a reader named Id informing me that people on College Confidential are discussing me and the "other" college comedy writer, who has just written a novel.  I'm usually an expert at finding things on the internet, but I could not uncover a single thread about The Neurotic Parent vs. the Less Funny Mommy Blogger.  I did, however, find these poignant discussions: "Does MIT Google Applicants?", "Which Colleges are Still Taking Apps?" and "Does a drum major look good on your application?" 

A plea to Id: Please come forward and let me know what folks are saying; you will even be eligible to win a free Neurotic Parent mug if you provide links.  Since I never hear from my college-age son, I guess I do have enough time to sift through the tens of thousands of anxious posts on CC, but I would greatly appreciate at least the name of the forum where they are talking about me and my fellow college-obsessed neighbor.


Neurotic Ears are Buzzing — 2 Comments

  1. Thanks so much, Id. Please let me know your mug color preferences. As soon as I get the 10th graders off to school, I will cancel my morning appointments and head off to CC.