In the spirit of summer, and to celebrate the publication of a huge chunk of this blog in a fabulous new book, the Neurotic Parent will rerun of some of the most popular previous posts. We will count down this week, then segue into anxiety CJ's move in (no bedding worries this time) and BH's first practice SAT.
1. Advanced skills in walking backwards.
2. Effusive about junior year abroad.
3. Proud to display their student I.D. cards, which can be swiped everywhere for cash, sports tickets and food.
4. Fearful of losing above cards.
5. Have all taken a lecture class with 100 kids, and the amazing professor learned everyone's names!
6. Have eaten less than half the food their parents paid for on their
meal plans, but luckily they can donate the balance to charity.
7. Can list six of the a cappella groups on campus, but have to think for a minute before remembering the name of the seventh.
8. UGGs
9. Danceathon fanatics.
UPDATE: Since I posted this yesterday, there has been too much action on the move-in front to continue the re-runs. Instead, I will publish them next week when the book is released.