Neurotic Resolutions

1. Meditate, Zumba, Detox…anything to keep my mind off the scholarships at the schools GC turned down.

2. Do not allow myself with 100 meters of Bed, Bath and Beyond.  Send my son to college with ratty sheets from home – he'll never notice

3.  Look into volunteer opportunities for worthier causes than committees at my kids' schools.

4. Figure out how to hack Naviance to find out real statistics; charge for this service.

5.  Throw out seven years' worth of college brochures.

6.  Donate SAT prep books to neighborhood preschool.

7. Buy a small farm near GC's college town.

8. Read books instead of lurking on accepted students' page of GC's new university.

9. Translate this blog into Mandarin and Hindi – charge a hefty subscription fee.

10. Upload twenty years of childhood videos and photos.  Prepare for a melancoly life as a teary empty nester.





Neurotic Resolutions — 4 Comments

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