It’s the Eye Contact, Baby

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Alum Interviewer
Did some admissions interviews at my alma mater today. Boy, does eye contact make a difference. Considering developing an AP Interview class.
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  • You and 54 others like this.
    • Manners Mom Indeed! Handshake 101 would be useful, too. ( firm; look person in the eye…) These things were once part of one’s upbringing, like closing the door behind you; saying please and thank you….
      23 hours ago via mobile · Like · 5
    • Entrepreneurial Dad  We will make a killing. I’ll head up the NYC office.
      22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
    • Fed Up in FL Totally agree. How about the “you knows” and “likes” before forming a sentence. I’ll help head up the Miami branch!!
      21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
    •  Fed Up at Potlatches and Luaus I’ll head up the Seattle and Honolulu offices
      21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
    • Reality Show Producer live feed final interviews with red carpet color commentary (subscription-pay-per-view)
      21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
    • Dear Abby So important! You can tell alot about a person with poor eye contact!
      19 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
    • Fed Up in Fullerton I can lead up the ones for the OC!
      18 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
    • HYPSM Interviewer I do interviews for my alma mater, too, and am always amazed at the lack of preparation, proper dress and basic skills. How DO they prepare, or shall I say, DO they prepare?
    • Alum Interviewer Some kids were great so that’s why the kids that didn’t have interviewing skill really stood out.

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