ED Etiquette

Q: My son/daughter was accepted early at his/her dream school.  Should I tell my friends, whose kids might have been deferred or rejected?

A: No.  Wait for them to find out through the grapevine, which takes about 5 minutes these days.  But do tell all your relatives, and expect them to ask why you would commit to paying $50,000 tuition a year before hearing from Berkeley.

Q: Theoretically, if you have a satirical blog about the college admissions process and your son or daughter gets accepted early to his absolute dream school, how do you continue to come up with material for the blog?

A: Consider writing about premature separation issues, how to pay for college in this economy, other kids' admissions dramas or senioritis.

Q: Theoretically, if you have a satirical blog about the college admissions process and your son or daughter gets accepted early to his absolute dream school, should you reveal the name of that school to your readers?

A: No.  But you should give your readers subtle hints (such as "Southwest flies there" or "they have seven a capella groups") so they will continue to follow your blog.


ED Etiquette — 1 Comment

  1. When you say “Southwest flies there,” could you please indicate the number of miles from airport to campus?