Separation Night

Last Thursday our school sponsored an evening for parents of seniors to prepare us for that day next August when we have to drop off our babies.  

Thirty people showed up.  We sat in a circle with three school psychologists and had a council.  I can't tell you anything that was said (would have to kill you), but you can imagine.  There was laughter. There were tears.  And there were funny, poignant stories about when WE went off to college a generation ago, when the world was completely different…or was it?

Until a few moments ago, I was feeling pretty good about the outcome of the evening.  What I gleaned from it was that it will be incredible for CJ and not so bad for me because I had such a positive experience going off to college in the aforementioned world of yesteryear. 

But I just glanced at the first few lines of the handout we were given, and now I'm wondering just how easy this process will be:

"Tonight we are going to talk about what it means to say good-by to a relationship that has sustained you for over seventeen years.  For most of you, this relationship has been the most incredible relationship you have ever experienced…"

I defy you to show me a handout that is more of a tearjerker.

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