What was I Thinking?

The Neurotic Parent has had a serious lapse in judgement. 

Today is March 29th, one of the most important days in the college admissions cycle and we are now in the Miami airport on our way to Belize where we will be living in a treehouse in the jungle with no cell service or electricity.   And then we are moving to a shack on the beach. 

Just in time for:

- Juicy reports from parents of college juniors on their college tours (one directionally-challenged mother and son team is DRIVING from Oberlin to Cornell, and will surely have great stories).  Another pair is traveling in a private plane.

- The results of Ivy Acceptance/Rejection Day – Tuesday, March 31st.  I have a feeling that several of  CJ's friends, including one who was just named a National Merit Scholar, will be getting good news.  And there will be a collective nervous breakdown on College Confidential.

- Families whose kids have multiple acceptances (an embarrassment of riches) will be scrambing to book Southwest flights to Admitted Student Weekends.

- Weird admissions stories.  I already have a doozie to report – waiting for clearance from the mom of the proud new art student.


So, dear readers, please help me relax and enjoy my time in the jungle by posting comments with your updates.  I will try to check in with a new post or two, but I might have to resort to reruns.


What was I Thinking? — 1 Comment

  1. i know your post is from a few years back, but what I’d like to know is how did you manage to find a treehouse to live in (we’ve searched before and found some weird postings and nothing that seemed legit).. also, that shack.. Do you have any pix online or something to look at? would love to take my family out there.. any help or info would be greatly appreciated!!!