Qs from Readers

Q: So what school did CJ end up picking? Did I miss the decision in an earlier post?

A: If you can find me on Facebook, as one astute (Harvard-educated) reader did, I will reveal the name of the school.  Otherwise I have been instructed to wait and "tell all" in the book.

Q: I have been trying to reach you on the gmail address, but my emails keep bouncing back.

A: Don't forget the "the":  theneuroticparent@gmail.com

Q: I just read your blog. Hilarious! Please don't stop when you send CJ off to Dream school. I've got a 2010 and 2012 and would love to follow along with you and BH.

I want to subscribe but there seems to be a bug in the subscription link. Would you please check it out and let me know when it's fixed. (Or if the problem is my own user error.)

A: Thanks for your kind words.  I emailed the nice folks at Typepad about this.  Here is their response:

"Hi there, Thanks for contacting us.  When I view the feed validator results, it looks like you are copying and pasting some content from another application, such as Word.  Microsoft Word's formatting code does not work well when merged with the Rich Text editor. Copying content from Word can cause formatting problems, error messages, and feed validation problems.  The code that is copied over into your posts when pasting from Word is the source of the issue with your feed. The issue with Microsoft Word formatting code is not unique toTypePad's Rich Text Editor. Any editor that copies over formatting will cause issues such as this – because the code that Microsoft Word inserts is not web-compatible."

Are they kidding – Microsoft Word is not kosher for bloggers – Who knew? Now they want me to go back and change all the posts I composed in incompatible formatting codes?!?  I would even have to replace the answer I just pasted above (from an email).  Sounds like a great summer project for a student intern.  No pay, but a great resume builder. 

Meanwhile, sorry about not being able to subscribe, but you can get to the blog easily by going to www.theneuroticparent.com  Don't forget the "the" or you'll end up at the blog of the parent of a toddler who is paranoid about germs.

Q: Was the Oberlin story a fictionalized version of our story?  If not, it's a huge coincidence.  Several months after receiving big envelopes from 8 or 9 school and having resolved his Wesleyan/Oberlin debate, SFB (Smart, Funny Bohemian) was dragging his feet about writing a gap year request letter. I said I'd print out the mailing label for him and went into the envelope to see exactly to whom it should be addressed. There was an un-opened business size letter included among the various forms;  when I opened it there was his merit scholarship – but it was only for $32,000. Could always be more, but better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

A: "A poke in the eye with a sharp stick"?!?…You sound like you're from Ohio, not Beverly Hills! I do fictionalize info on this blog, especially about the the LACs, but the Oberlin story was NOT yours – It referred to a 2009 HS. graduate, not a 2008 gap year grad, like your son SFB.  I do now remember that you DID tell me that story.  Maybe everyone who gets into Oberlin finds a scholarship after coming to a decision.  There is something so beautiful about that, cosmically justifying teenage flakiness.

Q: Help! Where should I stay for parents' day at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota?  Everything is already booked!

A: Make sure you accept a spot on the waiting list of your top B&B.  Write an additional essay, and keep updating the innkeepers with news of any recent honors or awards you have won.  And above all, don't give up hope.  You will end up in the right place for you.


Qs from Readers — 1 Comment

  1. Harvard-educated, Schmarvard-educated (isn’t that the name of a book?) – I also found your Facebook page after discovering your great blog yesterday (top that!) & I’m a proud Cal alum. Sadly, it was when dinosaurs walked the earth, but still…go Bears!