A New Extracurricular

BH and I have stumbled upon a novel new extracurricular: We are attempting to screen 103 episodes of the television series "Lost" before the new season begins in early February.  This mission was inspired by my dear husband, Mr. NP. Thinking he was too addicted to "24," I had purchased the first season of "Lost" for Mr. NP as a holiday gift last December.  He finally got around to watching it this year, became hooked, and spent last 30 days viewing the entire series on on his laptop, even while our family vacationed in Oahu (yes, I'm aware that's where the show is filmed.)

When we celebrated our 20th anniversary on New Years Eve, Mr. NP let me know that if I wanted to have something to talk about with him, I would now need to watch "Lost" as well.  And for optimal marital communication, I would have to catch up in time to share the final broadcast season with him. Our younger son BH, a high school sophomore, volunteered to embark on the marathon screening experience with me.  Because we must see 3-4 episodes a day, he will have to give up video games, movies, parties, and perhaps even soccer and journalism.  But he is a trooper, and I know he can do it!  He has even said he would stay up past midnight, and if necessary, miss school.  If he perseveres, I suspect he has fallen into the ideal college essay topic…Unusual, global, contemporary.  No special talents or costly equipment needed.  And how many other kids have given up a month of their lives to save their parents' marriage by watching a sexy, violent mystical serial? 

Next up: Entourage.  I think we've only missed 78 episodes of that one.


A New Extracurricular — 1 Comment

  1. It must be the 2010 version of the H1N1. My #3 son spent his entire vacation catching up on all 5 seasons. Since I still watch All My Children, my viewing schedule is full, and I couldn’t volunteer to join him, though I have found leisure to make it through the first season of Mad Men…
    So much for reading books over vacation.