Will let you know when “the making of” is posted. BTW, the very cool actress told us she was lucky to get her older child (3.5) into a preschool in Pasadena whose philosophy is “non-violent parenting,” presumably unlike the outdated violent parenting we all practiced in the ’90s. The core of the movement is no timeouts, no bribes and no punishment (which our generation euphemistically called “consequences”). Hope these compassionately parented kids will be able to handle the brutalities of the college admissions process.
I think this is supposed to be a parody but I find it deadly serious. I believe that only the best Ivy League schools offer the training I needed to be a sales associate at JCPenney.
Thanks, Nancy. Even JC Penney is not so easy these days. I hope you can come to one of our events. Check out today’s post.